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Editing Tip #2: Fighting Editor's Block

Editor's Block is sneaky. It always strikes when you least expect it. The question is, how do you combat it? I used to think if I watched enough edits that I'd magically soak up some inspiration. It worked maybe two out of ten times. Then there are the commonly recycled tips ranging from "go outside," to "take a nap." Not very groundbreaking tips.

I'm hoping to provide you guys with some tips that are a little more innovative (hopefully).


Create a Pinterest Board

This is a screenshot from my "Art" Pinterest board. I've split it up by styles. This is the "Graphic Design" section. I have a handful of other sections such as "Hand drawn", "Photography", and more. Split up your board in whatever way makes sense to you, or just mix everything together.

FX Inspo Section

I love Pinterest's layout. It provides me with maximum exposure to all my pins, so I don't have to sift through them. Plus, the "More Ideas" tab ensures that I never run out of content.

The complexity and structure of art entices me beyond words. It's really interesting to see how different styles represent these elements.

An edit is simply a mess of frames stringed together to the beat of an audio. Look at each frame individually and they're completely still. My perspective on art did a one-eighty when I began viewing edits as frames instead of videos. It helped me appreciate the little things.


Make Shakes, Colorings, FX Presets, Audios...

You would not believe the hours I've wasted messing around with different shake settings and colorings. Truthfully, I'm glad that's how I wasted my time. Now I'm the proud owner of an array of random FX presets, colorings, name it. These presets have been incredibly helpful when editing inspiration eventually strikes.

Making a full scale edit is a daunting task. Making presets for fun is, well, fun. Just make sure you organize them. Otherwise you might just end up drowning.

I'm very picky with my audios, which is why I make most of my own. Audio editing is something I can do any day of the week, regardless of inspiration. As long as I have a song I like, I can make an audio. I pull a lot of creative energy from the songs I edit to, so editing a bunch of audios really gets my gears shifting.

If you can't find a song or audio you like, I'd recommend perusing SoundCloud or Spotify—really any music streaming service will do—and start a playlist with audios you like.

Better yet, make a station with a song you like on Spotify or Apple Music (again, whatever service is handy) and scroll through Pinterest! It never hurts to double up.


I hope you found this handy! Contact me if you have any questions :)

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